The Impossible Dream provides a number of opportunities to get involved, whether crewing, sponsoring, donating, or becoming a Port Ambassador.
Sail With Us

Want to join the trip? Become a sailor or crew or just become a volunteer and contribute in any way you can?
Volunteer Crew Position Overview
As a volunteer crew member, you will accompany the captain and first mate in all aspects of sailing the Impossible Dream as well assisting but not limited to educational presentations, community outreach, fundraising events, social media, boat handling, and boat maintenance. We except volunteer crew members of all abilities although we do have minimum requirements that must be met in order to be considered for a volunteer position. Read below to find out more.
All volunteer crew candidates must have have previously sailed onboard Impossible Dream on a daysail and be vetted by our captain
Must be at least 18 years of age (pre-arranged exceptions permitted
Must be willing to take and execute orders given by the Captain, First Mate and Directors to the best of their ability and without argument
Must be able to communicate appropriately with children and adults
Must be positive and willing to help out
Must be responsible for own actions and behavior
Prior sailing experience is not required, however inexperienced sailors should be willing to learn
The ability to cook is not required, but it is greatly appreciated - you’ll be asked to try
Must be comfortable around dogs
Must like having fun and making a difference!
Medical/emergency info form
Crew information form
Signed waiver
Signed job description/volunteer agreement (this document).
Must have medical/health insurance for duration of volunteer term.
Submission of personal information for background check if requested.
Transport to and from Impossible Dream at the start and end of volunteering.
That you share all of the photos and videos you take during the experience with us to use for storytelling, promotion and other mission-related purposes.
Completion of a post-volunteering survey by the designated due date (we are happy to provide any references or sign volunteer/community service forms after we have received your post-volunteering survey/comments)
Take on assigned tasks with a positive, can-do attitude
Ask when not sure about how something works or is unclear about any procedure
Never be under the influence of alcohol or any drug or substance during Impossible Dream operations or activities
Assist with meal preparation and clean-up
Port Ambassadors
What is a Port Ambassador?
During our annual Summer Tour, we enlist the help of local volunteers in each port to help coordinate trips, fundraise, and secure docking along the East Coast. Port ambassadors share the compassion, devotion, and shared vision for the Impossible Dream and are a crucial piece to making our Summer Tour a huge success.
We would not be able to offer the opportunity to sail to so many disabled persons in so many locations.
Be present at time of visit
Well connected community member
Sail on board the Impossible Dream while in port
T-shirt, hat, and other Impossible Dream gear
Get to know some of our past Port Ambassadors

Sponsorship with the Impossible Dream
We are looking to broaden our impact through a mutually beneficial partnership, increase exposure for our supporting brands, and most importantly, continue our mission of giving individuals the transformational experience of sailing on Impossible Dream.
Current Partners of Impossible Dream
The Impossible Dream is partnered with leading brands which exemplify the share an enthusiasm for our mission. Today’s consumers are particularly cognizant of brands that are authentically contributing to the greater good and are more likely to buy from a brand that is having a positive social or environmental impact. A partnership with the Impossible Dream will bring impressive exposure while making a profound impact in the lives of disabled persons.
Interested in partnering with the Impossible Dream?
Contact us using the form below or at

Donating to the Impossible Dream
There is no fee for sailing on Impossible Dream. We rely solely on our generous donors and our faithful sponsors to help us to continue our work to bring lasting memories to as many people as possible.
From our brave veterans to the newly injured, from kids with cognitive and physical disabilities to seniors whose mobility has been compromised, from wheelchair-using sailors who can no longer crew a standard boat to their loving carers and families, we want everyone to experience the freedom and delight of a few hours out on the ocean.
Help to bring smiles to thousands of individuals by donating to Impossible Dream
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Would you like to mail a donation check?
Please mail to:
The Impossible Dream, Inc.
50 W 47th Street
Suite 2113
New York N.Y. 10036